Letter 1 (Honor)

To His Royal Majesty, King Henry VIII
My dearest king,
It has been too long and I have missed you very much. I have grown so much in the past three years. I can still remember the first time I saw you. Do you remember that night? My first Christmas at court and I was but only three and ten. You looked so regal with her Majesty. I have kept with me the words you graced me with. I have so much confidence in life knowing the King of all of England thinks me  to have a great future. Life here in the Americas is very horrid. I wish so terrible to return to England. I have advanced so far in my studies and shall be done with them all for good come next spring. Thanks to the gracious allowance I receive from Her Majesty, I have been consistent in my dance classes and have become quite accomplished. I shall love to show you when I return to court. How are affairs with state? Here our president has been dealing with our finances. Money has not been good here and our war over seas has been stressful. It seems like everywhere I turn my eyes there is war, fire, death, and depression. I long to be in court as your loyal servant. You are a powerful man and I am proud to call you my lord and sovereign. May the Lord guide you.

With love,
Honor Anastasia of the Americas

Published on July 9, 2011 at 8:26 pm  Comments (1)  

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